Checking China
The Case for Clarity on Taiwan

Our policy of “strategic ambiguity”—in which neither China nor Taiwan can be sure whether the United States will intervene in a conflict—has outlived its usefulness.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.
Europe's China Blindspot
No, We Can’t Just Get Along

To partner with a predator is to surrender. Some European diplomats are playing a dangerous game.

European Disunion
Why Transatlantic Relations Are In Trouble

It’s not solely or even mostly Trump; it’s the EU’s inability to get its act together.

Markus Spiske (
No to Nukes?
The German Left’s New Nuclear Freak-Out

After 50 years, the Social Democrats want to sabotage Berlin’s role in NATO’s nuclear deterrent force by invoking wild-eyed Donald Trump. But who wants to part with America’s strategic umbrella?

An Older Rupture
In Search of Lost Time

The endless loop of lockdown highlights something we had lost long before coronavirus: our sense of past, present, and future.

Seeing Straight on China
The Building Blocks of a China Strategy

In 1947, we could afford to give containment a try. Today, a defensive stance will not cut it.

What Next? Two Scenarios
The Coronavirus Test for Russia

Coronavirus has exposed the inadequacies of Russia’s top-down system. Here are a couple of scenarios for how it will fare in the months ahead.

State Capacity
Building Better Management in Government

It’s not about small versus big government, it’s about competent government. The United States needs a top-shelf world-class bureaucracy. Now.

Doctors and the Danger of Rule-Dependency

In medicine, there’s often a temptation to rely on neat rules and tidy algorithms. That temptation can be deadly, especially when treating the novel coronavirus.

Mobilization Then and Now
How is the Coronavirus Crisis Like a War?

There are many similarities. But also one big difference.

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