The Roads (Not) Taken
Is There a Recipe for Democratic Success?

The mixed successes of transitions from communism in Central and Eastern Europe suggest that countries that cleanly broke with the past enjoyed greater success with reforms.

The Revolution in Belarus
No Country for Simple Solutions

Getting Belarus on track will be difficult. But it must be tried.

Trilateral Trade
Preventing Protectionism

The global trading system has been under stress for some time. A three-way agreement, between the U.S., UK, and EU, could lighten the load.

Postmodernism Revisited
The Dangers of Delusion

A new book by Bruno Maçães argues that “the real world has many disadvantages.” Perhaps—but not as many as the unreal one.

European Disunion
Why Transatlantic Relations Are In Trouble

It’s not solely or even mostly Trump; it’s the EU’s inability to get its act together.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Pandemic Predictions
What Comes Next

After months of seclusion and death, the boredom of normal life might once again become a rather attractive proposition.

Politics 2020
Europe’s Dying Center-Right

The space between the cosmopolitan and progressive politics of the left and the vulgar nationalism of the populist right is shrinking. My own recent experience running for office attests to it.

Miriam Lexmann (l) and Dalibor Rohac (r)
Q & A
Two Friends of TAI on Campaigning in Slovakia

As Slovaks count votes today, TAI contributing editor Dalibor Rohac and MEP Miriam Lexmann discuss their involvement in their native country’s politics.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Off Autopilot
Taking the Fight to the Kleptocrats

“Graft and corruption are bad” is an effective, uncontroversial slogan that cuts across ideological divides. It commands support in both center-left and center-right circles—especially in the United States.

(Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
30 Years After Communism
Look Forward, Not Back

Liberal self-flagellation over the supposed failure of post-communist transitions is pointless—and even worse, counterproductive and dangerous.

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