Portraits of Leadership
Why America Liked Ike

The contrast between President Eisenhower and the current occupant of the White House is stark. But in truth, few political figures since the beginning of the 1960s have conducted themselves in the dignified way Ike did.

(Wikimedia Commons)
On Liberty
Free Speech Under Siege

For Mill, liberty was only valuable insofar as it contributed to a higher good. Today’s woke activists agree.

America's Asia Policy
A New Cold War with China?

The Sino-American relationship does have some similarities to the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union—but also many differences.

(Wikimedia Commons)
17 Years Later
Painful Lessons

Iraq succeeded in showing Americans that they had drawn the wrong conclusions from their triumph in the Cold War.

Mobilization Then and Now
How is the Coronavirus Crisis Like a War?

There are many similarities. But also one big difference.

Graphic by Danielle Desjardins
China's Challenge
The Geopolitics of the Coronavirus

The failure of the Chinese Communist Party to protect the world from COVID-19 is likely to reverse China’s recent gains in power and prestige.

“A Scholar in His Study (Faust)” – Rembrandt van Rijn
Tyranny of the Majority
Political Correctness Threatens American Higher Education

And not just by squashing free inquiry. Campus tumult also threatens public funding.

Culture in America
The Meaning of the Super Bowl

In the age of drones, football is war between individual men.

“Jeff. Sees the Elephant” (Public Domain)
Institutional Resilience
American Politics Change, But American Parties Endure

Don’t believe the third-party hype: 50 years from now Republicans and Democrats will still dominate American politics.

Resilience and Fragility
Will the American Global Order Survive Donald Trump?

Almost certainly it will—for now. But Donald Trump is not the sole cause of its recent travails, and its long-term perpetuation is anything but assured.

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