Unintended Consequences
A Peace Prize for Ali Khamenei?

Trump was the midwife of the Abraham Accords. The father was Ali Khamenei, the “Supreme Leader” of Iran, whose imperial ambitions started to force Arabs and Israelis into a historic realignment decades ago.

The Decline of the West—New and Improved

If you liked the 1930s, you will love the 2020s. Again, it is crisis-overload: COVID, economic catastrophe, the assault on free trade, and the rise of illiberalism on the left and on the right. With the United States abdicating, who will answer the 911 calls?

The Other Epidemic
The Tyranny of Groupthink

To understand the Woke New World, read what Tocqueville wrote about America 200 years ago (while keeping Pogo and George Orwell in mind).

(Wikimedia Commons)
Trump's Flailing Foreign Policy
The Rumpelstiltskin Syndrome

As the world teeters, Trump affronts allies when he needs them most and pampers foes who welcome America’s absence.

Markus Spiske (
No to Nukes?
The German Left’s New Nuclear Freak-Out

After 50 years, the Social Democrats want to sabotage Berlin’s role in NATO’s nuclear deterrent force by invoking wild-eyed Donald Trump. But who wants to part with America’s strategic umbrella?

(Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
Viral Fearmongers
The Totalitarian Temptation Resisted

National emergencies in the West do not breed despots, and haven’t for some time. The press should take note.

Disease Control
On Coronavirus, Beware the Totalitarian Temptation

The coronavirus pandemic has revived an old nostrum: Totalitarians perform better in devastating times than democracies. Not so—the cure is worse than the catastrophe.

Political Parties in the West
The Center Does Not Hold

In Germany and the rest of Europe, centrist parties are losing ground.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Strategic Lightweight
The Tragic Rationality of Europe’s Iran Policy

In the latest U.S.-Iran clash, the EU has acted rationally. Burned so often by American hauteur, a strategic lightweight like the EU cannot but resort to suasion, mediation, and de-escalation to evade entrapment in a conflict it cannot control.

(U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jonathan Snyder)
Imitation Without Affection
Black Friday and American Soft Power

Why do Europeans resent America, even as they continue to copy it? Never mind Donald Trump. The United States is the steamroller of modernity that invents stuff, ideas, and images the world cannot resist.

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