COVID-19 and the Regime-Type Fallacy

If competence varies widely within the same type of regime, then regime type alone cannot possibly be determinative of outcomes.

Will America Remain a Democracy in 2020?

In the wake of the coronavirus, it’s an open question.

Petro-autocrats and Oligarchs
A Costly Miscalculation

There is good news to be found in the aftermath of the latest oil price war: both the Saudis and the Russians have been chastened, and will likely think twice about holding nations to ransom.

Putin, Trump, and the Pandemic

COVID-19 is upending the political strategies of both Trump and Putin—and could endanger both leaders’ grip on power.

Behind Putin’s Power Grab

With Russia’s newest constitutional changes, Putin has effectively rendered himself President for Life. But a closer look at his power play—and his botched response to COVID-19—reveals a more vulnerable leader than we might think.

(Official White House Photo)
Captive DNI
Intelligence Failure

The Director of National Intelligence was created after the 9/11 disaster to bring coherence to the intelligence community and “speak truth to power.” Trump wants a DNI who will tell him only what he wants to hear.

(Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
Viral Fearmongers
The Totalitarian Temptation Resisted

National emergencies in the West do not breed despots, and haven’t for some time. The press should take note.

Expert Advice
Diagnosing America’s Pandemic Response

How mental habits and ideology may have led government officials astray in the early days of the outbreak.

Fiscal Folly
Don’t Slash the Defense Budget to Pay for COVID-19

Coping with the pandemic will be a costly affair. But cutting defense spending—when China, Russia, and Iran remain significant threats—will only make us less secure.

The Twilight of Globalization
The Long Hard Road to Decoupling from China

It’s by now beyond clear that China is no partner to the United States. A difficult, but necessary, separation lies ahead.

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