Competition in a Great Power Era
The Aussies Step Up

As most countries get ready to tighten their belts in the wake of COVID-19, Australia is ramping up its defense spending.

U.S. Army Europe (Public Domain)
The German Drawdown Debacle
Bad Policy, Worse Reasons

The Trump Administration finally offers a rationale for the German troop drawdown. It doesn’t make sense.

Transatlantic Tribulations
The German Drawdown Debacle

Trump’s (unannounced) plan to withdraw 9,500 American troops from Germany may be inevitable. But it’s still an awful idea.

Checking China
The Case for Clarity on Taiwan

Our policy of “strategic ambiguity”—in which neither China nor Taiwan can be sure whether the United States will intervene in a conflict—has outlived its usefulness.

Thierry Ehrmann, Abode of Chaos via Flickr
TAI Conversations
Is Xi Jinping Weaker Than We Think?

The author of China’s Crony Capitalism discusses the Chinese response to COVID-19, why the Communist Party reads Alexis de Tocqueville, and why the Chinese regime is both brittle and aggressive at the same time.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
One Concrete Way to Start Decoupling with China

It’s time to be more strategic about trade with China. Revitalizing the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States—creating a CFIUS 2.0—is the right way to do it.

Fiscal Folly
Don’t Slash the Defense Budget to Pay for COVID-19

Coping with the pandemic will be a costly affair. But cutting defense spending—when China, Russia, and Iran remain significant threats—will only make us less secure.

COVID-19 Coverup
The Chinese Big Lie

Why is Beijing covering up what happened in Hubei? Put simply: because it can.

(Wikimedia Commons)
No Immunity
National Security and the Pandemic of 2020

The coronavirus isn’t just a danger to public health and the economy; it also threatens our national security infrastructure.

(Wikimedia Commons)
In Defense of Ageism
Why We Need a Constitutional Age Limit for President

Electing septuagenarians, with all the demands and pressures of the Presidency, is rolling the dice with a constitutional crisis.

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