Liberal Hubris
Three Decades of Delusion

Our elites learned all the wrong lessons from the end of the Cold War.

Decision Point
Renewed Transatlanticism or a Post-American Europe?

The current turmoil in Transatlantic relations isn’t all about Trump. European leaders’ choices now will have a critical impact on the Transatlantic future.

Of Equality and Quality
The Corrosive Decline of Our Elites

From China, to COVID, and to the protests currently roiling our nation, our elites have shown themselves to be both feckless and disconnected with bedrock American values. The blame ultimately lies with our schools.

Seeing Straight on China
The Building Blocks of a China Strategy

In 1947, we could afford to give containment a try. Today, a defensive stance will not cut it.

The Twilight of Globalization
The Long Hard Road to Decoupling from China

It’s by now beyond clear that China is no partner to the United States. A difficult, but necessary, separation lies ahead.

Economic Distancing
The Wuhan Virus and the Imperative of Hard Decoupling

It won’t be easy or painless, but the role China has played in exacerbating the fallout from the coronavirus crisis ought to force Americans to fundamentally reconsider the relationship.

Wikimedia Commons
The China Challenge
We Need Hard Decoupling

The coronavirus crisis is underscoring the need to re-examine old ideologies about globalization and modernization.

AFP/Getty Images
The Global Realignment
Bipolarity Is Back

The belief in the automatic triumph of the liberal world order has not only left the West unprepared to fight a long and grinding civilizational struggle. It has also actively harmed it.

The Folly of “Strategic Autonomy”
The Future of Transatlanticism Is China

Forget Macron’s interviews and Trump’s tweets. Europe’s lack of consensus on China is shaping Transatlantic relations.

Transatlantic Tribulations
Without the US, European Defense Will Fall to Pieces

The Transatlantic relationship remains the bedrock of the European project. Pretending otherwise feeds into a dangerous and self-fulfilling prophecy.

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