John Trumbull, “Declaration of Independence” (1819)
Independence Day
A Tyrant Is Unfit to Be the Ruler of a Free People

The original appeal of the Declaration of Independence.

Competition in a Great Power Era
The Aussies Step Up

As most countries get ready to tighten their belts in the wake of COVID-19, Australia is ramping up its defense spending.

Singapore the Improbable VIII
Hard Times in the Red Dot

Singapore’s security has always depended on American military power. No surprise, then, that its denizens feel increasingly insecure.

America's Asia Policy
A New Cold War with China?

The Sino-American relationship does have some similarities to the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union—but also many differences.

Hieronymus Bosch, “Tondal’s Vision”
North by Northwest
The Present Madness

Can whole societies go crazy? They can and have—but never before has a crazy society implicated pretty much the whole planet.

Across The Border
Canada’s COVID-19 Healthcare Experience

It wasn’t a flawless performance, but Canada’s comparatively more centralized healthcare system weathered the coronavirus storm reasonably well.

Postmodernism Revisited
The Dangers of Delusion

A new book by Bruno Maçães argues that “the real world has many disadvantages.” Perhaps—but not as many as the unreal one.

Race Relations
The Long Struggle for Voting Rights

The events of the past two weeks should remind us why the right to vote is sacred and non-negotiable.

(Wikimedia Commons)
17 Years Later
Painful Lessons

Iraq succeeded in showing Americans that they had drawn the wrong conclusions from their triumph in the Cold War.

Inequality, Ideology, and American Reordering

Depolarizing American politics depends on a better understanding of what inequality is, and how it relates to past and current ideological currents. First with COVID and now with the George Floyd events, we see that the time to act is growing short.

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