Behind Putin’s Power Grab

With Russia’s newest constitutional changes, Putin has effectively rendered himself President for Life. But a closer look at his power play—and his botched response to COVID-19—reveals a more vulnerable leader than we might think.

(Warner Bros.)
The New Normal
Joker and Our Leaderless Future

The controversial film captures the reality of our peer-to-peer age: From Hong Kong to Paris, mass movements are increasingly flaring up without formal leadership or organization.

(Bert Flint / Shutterstock)
The Empty Throne
Putin the Not-So-Omnipotent

Yes, Putin still sits in the Kremlin—but after 20 years in power and a long summer of protests, there are signs that it’s the siloviki who are now calling the shots.

Getting Russia Right
Putin, Unclassified

A new book is as sharp and precise as any top secret briefing on Russia’s authoritarian President might be. But for all the great detail, it gets part of the big picture wrong.

The Ivan Golunov Affair
The Summer of Russia’s Discontent?

How the sustained outcry against a reporter’s arrest led to a rare reversal from Russia’s authorities—and could widen the cracks between the Kremlin and the public.

“Fight Between a Tiger and a Buffalo”, Henri Rousseau, 1908
A Conversation with Ilya Novikov
The Rule of Law in the Russian Jungle

Despite pleading for clemency by Ukrainians with ties to Vladimir Putin, Russian courts have extended the arrest of Ukrainian seamen captured in the Kerch Strait late last year. TAI recently sat down with Ilya Novikov, a human rights lawyer representing one of the captive sailors, to talk about the case—and about how Russia’s corrupt legal system functions. Our thanks to the Free Russia Foundation for organizing the interview.

Goya, Saturn Devouring His Children via Wikimedia Commons
Arrested Development
The Russian Private Sector Eats Its Own

The arrest of an American businessman in Russia echoes the Khodorkovsky and Browder episodes from the early 2000s.

Jan Matejko, “Stańczyk” via Wikimedia Commons
Putinism Revisited
The Futile Search for a Russian Ideology

Western Russia-watchers are mistaking the ramblings of a self-promoting apparatchik for a coherent articulation of the Kremlin’s ideology. Don’t believe the hype.

Detail from a movie poster by Leslie Herman.
A Comedic Interlude
A Show Trial, and The Death of Putin

Black comedy as reality in modern Russia.

Wikimedia Commons
A Conversation with Vitaly Mansky
Witnessing Putin’s Rise

A leading Russian documentarian reflects on the events that brought Putin to power, in a new film that is part personal repentance and part cautionary tale.

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