The Global Tech Wars
Huawei Is Just The First Battle

A global Manhattan Project to create an ethical future is certainly a tall order, but the status quo is not an option.

Correcting the Record
Remembering Mr. Jones

In the 1930s, a brave journalist told the truth about Stalin and was killed because of it. Now, his story is finally being told.

Across The Border
Canada’s COVID-19 Healthcare Experience

It wasn’t a flawless performance, but Canada’s comparatively more centralized healthcare system weathered the coronavirus storm reasonably well.

Petro-autocrats and Oligarchs
A Costly Miscalculation

There is good news to be found in the aftermath of the latest oil price war: both the Saudis and the Russians have been chastened, and will likely think twice about holding nations to ransom.

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Russian Revisionism
Don’t Let Putin Whitewash History

Russian disinformation efforts seek to muddle the present, but also to rewrite the past.

Future Shock
The Worst Is Yet to Come

Fifty years after its publication, Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s Future Shock remains a valuable roadmap to understanding the technological disruptions that lie ahead.

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Ukraine's Frozen Conflict
The Dead End of the Normandy Format

Putin and his regime are thugs and kleptocrats. Only they can bring peace to Ukraine—not comfortable dilettantes at diplomatic summits.

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Political Order
Parliament Over Presidents

Parliamentary democracies are generally more efficient than presidential ones because the executive and legislative branches are fused.

(Wikimedia Commons)
The King in the North
The Arctic Is American

Washington has put Moscow and Beijing on notice: The Arctic doesn’t belong to you.

Robber Barons with Hoodies
Anti-Trust in the Age of Facebook

There’s a long American tradition of breaking up companies that have managed to accrue inordinate concentrations of market power. It’s time to dust it off for the digital era.

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