Five Eyes vs. 5G
Why Huawei Lost Its Quest for World Domination

Beijing tripped on its ambitions for Huawei for the same reason it has consistently failed in global influence games—it did not have the patience to pursue a long-term, soft-power approach.

Taxation Without Bowdlerization
How to Tame TikTok

Banning the app, as Mike Pompeo has proposed, would be heavy-handed and ineffective. There’s a better approach.

Transatlantic Tribulations
Don’t Leave the Balkans to Europe

For all its bungling and missteps, the Trump Administration’s decision to pay attention to the Kosovo-Serbia dispute is a step in the right direction. photo, via Wikimedia Commons
Little Green Men
Should the West Be Worried About Belarus?

If Lukashenka stumbles badly in August, a Russian move to absorb Belarus cannot be ruled out.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Memo to POTUS
Five Global Health Priorities for the Next President

U.S. leadership is essential to global health, and vice versa. Here are five policy priorities to re-establish it—for whoever is President come Inauguration Day.

American Overhaul
Remaking Politics, Rebuilding Government

For too long, Americans have put up with dysfunctional government, hyperpartisanship, and mediocre results. Here’s how we can build a government for all Americans.

© Getty Images
Border Fight
Regaining Control

A new book seeks to rein in the rhetorical excesses on both sides of the immigration divide.

Don’t Give Up on the Two-State Solution

Unilateral Israeli annexation would be a mistake, but Peter Beinart’s one-state solution is an approach that compounds one mistake with another.

T.S. Eliot, 1923 (Wikimedia Commons)
A Study in Poetry
Eliot the Enigmatic

A new collection of “The Essential T.S. Eliot” samples his poetic genius, but fails to meet the modern reader halfway.

Weekend Watch
Will the Real Mrs. America Please Stand Up?

FX’s fictionalized take on Phyllis Schlafly asks a question that’s still with us today: Who gets to claim the mantle of a women’s movement?

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