Field of Dreams
Annexation and the Dubious Doctrine of Wishful Thinking

Netanyahu’s pledge to press on with annexation in the West Bank is a high-risk, low-reward proposition for Israel.

Russia 2024 and Beyond
Can Putin Retain Control?

Whatever the result of the constitutional referendum underway in Russia, Putin is increasingly a leader who has nowhere to lead.

When Freedom Took the Offensive
The Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Power of Ideas

Seventy years ago, leading lights of the free world gathered in Berlin to push back against Soviet efforts to discredit liberal values. What can their efforts teach us today?

Media Madness
The Lost Honor of Sue Schafer

Earlier this month, The Washington Post ran a story that ended up destroying the life of a woman guilty of nothing more than poor judgment and bad taste. A biting Cold War-era German novella helps explain our current moment.

Big Picture
The China Hawk’s Guide to Competing During COVID-19

Six do’s and six don’ts for a properly calibrated policy response to China.

In Memoriam
A Tribute to Owen Harries

The author of The End of History reflects on the life and friendship of Owen Harries (1930-2020), a founding editor of The National Interest and a mentor and inspiration to us here at TAI.

(Dan Meyers, Unsplash)
Risky Business
The Energy Department’s Dangerous Plutonium Dream

The Trump Administration wants to reprocess spent nuclear fuel to extract plutonium. It’s a dream that won’t die—but it’s never made economic, environmental, or strategic sense.

Island Diplomacy
Japan’s False Hopes of Courting Russia

A territorial dispute between Moscow and Tokyo illustrates the challenge mid-sized powers face in an era of great power competition.

(KIYOSHI OTA/AFP/Getty Images)
Another View From Japan
Confrontation for Its Own Sake Is No Policy at All

A recent TAI essay by an anonymous Japanese official argued that Trump’s China strategy is better for Japan than Obama’s. It caused quite a stir in Tokyo. Here, a Japanese professor offers his response.

Photo by Molly Adams via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
E Pluribus Unum
“Stagnant Dreamers” in Southern California

Is the Golden State really the gold standard for assimilating immigrants? Four books illustrate the tensions, trade-offs, and ironies of California’s immigration policies.

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