A Conversation with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Cleaning Up America’s Offshore Act

The Democratic Senator from Rhode Island on offshore finance, its links to global corruption, terrorism and crime, and the ways American laws and professionals are enabling them.

Transatlanticism for the Coronavirus Generation
The United States Needs a Euro Policy

If Democrats win in November, a bold new approach to Europe is required—and within reach.

Paths of History
Ben-Gurion’s Letters to America

A new biography about Israel’s founder shows that the idea of one political Jewish people is a myth, an illusion.

© Gage Skidmore
Alternate Reality
What If Trump Had Lost In 2016?

And another Republican had won.

(EU flag design by Rem Koolhaas)
The City of Europe’s Future

Forget economic anxiety. Rotterdam is a warning that the emerging political fight across Europe really is about cultural assimilation after all.

(Charles Thevenin, Art Institute of Chicago)
Rational Conflict
What Macron Got Wrong

Macron’s ideology prevents him from grasping an important truth: Sometimes there are no “win-win” solutions.
Kleptocracy in America
Why the Robert Mueller Fandom Misses the Point

Liberal hero worship misses that it is not just bad people, but a bad system that is breeding collusion between American elites and the world’s kleptocrats.

Book Review
Crashed and Burning

Adam Tooze reveals the unanswered questions still roiling European politics.

Getty Images
The New Left Review
What Is Millennial Socialism?

This is not your parents’ Left. And you’d better believe they’ll leave a mark.

After Trump
The Right’s Straw Left

Obsessed with “owning the libs”, the Right has missed how it has opened the door to a muscular, credible populism of the Left.

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