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Who’s Afraid of an Independent Kurdistan?

Pretty much everyone: Iraqi Kurdistan’s neighbors threaten devastating responses as Kurds head to the polls.

Beyond Killing ISIS
Israel Hits Syrian Chemical Weapons Plant

Israel’s strike on a chemical weapons and precision munitions plant makes clear that the threat from Syria is about a lot more than ISIS.

More Oil/More Problems
Kirkuk to Join Kurdistan Independence Referendum

Oil rich Kirkuk’s vote in the in the Kurdish independence referendum will annoy Baghdad, but might be a minor consolation to Turkey.

Iran and a Hard Place
Let’s Break a Deal

The Iranians are laying the groundwork for America’s diplomatic isolation if the President declares Iran non-compliant.

Downfall of the Caliphate
The Race for the Euphrates

Both the Syrian regime and the U.S.-backed Kurds are poised to capture ISIS’ last major strongholds—and its oil.

Parsing the President
The “New” Afghanistan Strategy

It’s a lot like the old Afghanistan strategy, but with Trumpian characteristics.

Poisoning the Well
Erdogan to German Turks: German Politicians Are The Enemy

Turkey’s President Erdogan has declared that all three of Germany’s largest parties are the enemies of Turks.

Stupid Myths
No Mr. President, We Should Not Execute Terrorists With Pigs Blood Bullets

President Trump made reference to a legend about General Pershing and pigs today. It’s untrue, and wouldn’t work. And he shouldn’t be tweeting it.

Israeli Red Lines
Israeli General: We Hit Hezbollah Nearly 100 Times

Israeli officials are increasingly making public their responsibility for airstrikes against Hezbollah in Syria.

Building Bridges
Muqtada al-Sadr Visits the UAE

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are trying to outmaneuver Iran politically, but helping to rebuild Iraq might be a path to real influence.

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