political reform
To Cure What Ails Us

Our polarization runs deep. How do we get our politics to a better place after Trump is gone?

Reframing Brexit
It’s Not About Britain. It’s About Europe

Thinking about Brexit as a competition between cosmopolitanism and nationalism within Britain misses a much more important dimension: It’s the European Union that’s in crisis.

(Wikimedia Commons)
TAI Conversations
The World According to Tyler Cowen

The polymath economist defends capitalism, liberalism, dating apps, and immigration—and explains how China is making movies sexless.

A Conversation with Branko Milanovic
The Future of Global Prosperity

In the conflict between capitalism and communism, capitalism won. But its triumph didn’t herald the end of history—just the next phase of it.

“The Great Rapprochement” (Wikimedia Commons)
A Conversation with Andrew Roberts
Breakfast with a Brexiteer

Historian Andrew Roberts speaks with TAI about leadership—and the case for a no-deal Brexit.

(Art Institute of Chicago)
History Strikes Back
The Death of the Two-State Solution

The Israeli-Palestinian peace movement got momentum at the end of history. Now that history is back, peace seems further and further away.

“Fight Between a Tiger and a Buffalo”, Henri Rousseau, 1908
A Conversation with Ilya Novikov
The Rule of Law in the Russian Jungle

Despite pleading for clemency by Ukrainians with ties to Vladimir Putin, Russian courts have extended the arrest of Ukrainian seamen captured in the Kerch Strait late last year. TAI recently sat down with Ilya Novikov, a human rights lawyer representing one of the captive sailors, to talk about the case—and about how Russia’s corrupt legal system functions. Our thanks to the Free Russia Foundation for organizing the interview.

The Illiberal Challenge
Making Up Monsters to Destroy

Robert Kagan’s The Jungle Grows Back might be one of the most revealing foreign policy books of 2018. Its greatest value isn’t in its prescriptions, however, but rather in the fact that it stumbles upon a deeper truth about our current moment.

2019 Predictions

Another year, another round of prognostication. TAI editors speculate about what 2019 has in store.

A Failed Deterrent
The Case for Russia Sanctions

Sanctions on Russia are not achieving their desired result for a whole slew of reasons. We should keep them in place anyway.

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