Netanyahu in Europe
Israeli Diplomacy Pays Off

Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic agree that the EU should stand closer with Israel.

Conceding Syria
Trump Ends Support to Anti-Assad Rebels

There are good reasons to re-think U.S. commitments in Syria. But ending support to the rebels will pose real costs for no clear benefit.

Nuclear Bargaining
The Iran Deal Survives—For Now

Despite last-minute objections from the president, the administration has re-certified Iran’s nuclear compliance.

Downfall of the Caliphate

“The mission is to make sure that any foreign fighter who is here, who joined ISIS from a foreign country and came into Syria—they will die here in Syria.”

© Getty Images
Affairs of State
The Chaos of the Qatar Crisis

The incoherence of the U.S. approach to Qatar raises questions about the Administration’s approach.

© Getty Images
Saudi Intrigue
The Rise of Mohammed bin Salman

The Saudis have named Mohammed bin Salman as next in line to the throne in a surprise succession shakeup with long-term implications.

Eastern Syria Heats Up

The U.S. shootdown of a Syrian plane is only the first sign of the coming troubles.

© Getty Images.
The Coming Conflict Over Eastern Syria

The Russians claim to have killed ISIS’s leader and U.S.-backed forces close in on Raqqa, but the time to make difficult decisions in Eastern Syria is fast approaching.

tick tick tick
Iraqi Kurdistan Gets Ready for Independence Referendum

Save the date: September 25th, 2017.

The Assault on Raqqa Begins

As the assault on ISIS’ capital Raqqa begins, another U.S. strike on the Assad regime makes clear that the scramble for Syria is only beginning.

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