Media Madness
The Lost Honor of Sue Schafer

Earlier this month, The Washington Post ran a story that ended up destroying the life of a woman guilty of nothing more than poor judgment and bad taste. A biting Cold War-era German novella helps explain our current moment.

Carl Hoeckner, “The Mob” (1935)
The Future of Liberalism
Ignoring Immigration Is Empowering the Far Right

Western political establishments must make a choice: Either address popular fears about immigration, or voters will elect illiberals willing to do so.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Memorializing McCain
America Through the Looking Glass

For all the media portrayals of McCain’s memorial service as unifying moment, Trump’s supporters are more likely to see it as the Swamp in arms.

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
Left to Rot
Labour’s Jewish Problem

Jeremy Corbyn’s rise tracks neatly with a growing tolerance for anti-Semitism on the British Left.

A Party in Denial
Who Killed the Liberal World Order?

Memo to Obama partisans: look at your own legacy before you cast that first stone.

Rise of Corbyn
The Derangement of the British Left

Revisiting the 1982 novel that foretold Jeremy Corbyn’s rise—and revealed the conspiratorial worldview at the heart of contemporary Leftist politics.

Getty Images
Crisis in Ukraine
Finlandization Is Not a Solution for Ukraine

The term “Finlandization” is making a comeback as a proposed remedy for Ukraine’s delicate position between East and West. A look back at Finland’s postwar experience shows us why this is a bad idea.

We Are All Persian Grammarians Now

As the Iranian mullahs’ nuclearization drive reaches its end goal, Western policymakers face a narrowing range of bad options. There are difficult choices ahead, and those choices are made all the more difficult by Tehran’s long track record of vicious rhetoric directed at Israel—the most notorious example of which was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s call […]

The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted

Debunking the transformational power of internet freedom.

Egyptian Liberals Against the Revolution

Sitting in a Pizza Hut just a block from Cairo’s Tahrir Square, Mina Rezkalla can’t stop telling me how much he loves Seinfeld. This is strange not least because Egypt is one of the most anti-Semitic countries in the world and Jerry Seinfeld’s eponymous television series is an exemplar of American Jewish humor. A 2010 […]

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