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Follow the Money
Russia’s Kleptocracy Laid Bare

New revelations from Panama expose the inner workings of Russia’s kleptocracy—and the hollow underpinnings of Putin’s regime.

Putin 4.0: It’s All in the Family

As rival clans seek to pounce, Russia’s Yeltsin-era elites are going out of their way to signal their fealty to Putin.

Unintended Consequences
The Great Sanctions Split

Whether by mistake or design, Western sanctions have created both winners and losers in Russia, setting up an inter-elite competition that Putin may find hard to control.

A Fight Over Sanctions
The Great Oligarch Whitewash

A strange campaign is afoot to cleanse the reputations of several oligarchs targeted by the latest round of Russia sanctions. Don’t buy into it.

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Putin's Inauguration
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Putin’s fourth term is shaping up to look a lot like his third—but with even more state repression and violence.

Putin 4.0
The Post-Election Power Plays Begin

The arrest of two oligarch brothers may signal a new power struggle over the Prime Minister post, or an intensified crackdown on private business. Either way, don’t bet on liberal reform in Putin’s next term.

Duma Drama
Why The Kremlin Fears #MeToo

A sexual harassment scandal in Russia’s parliament threatens to expose the Putin regime’s hollow, hypocritical commitment to “traditional values.”

A Conversation at PutinCon
How To Deal with Putin

As Vladimir Putin begins another six-year term as President, TAI asked the attendees of the PutinCon conference how to handle the Russian leader.

Bluffing 101
Who Has the Best Nukes?

Vladimir Putin does!

State Capitalism
Russia’s State Takeover Hits the Grocery Aisle

A state bank’s acquisition of a major food retailer marks a milestone in the Kremlin’s takeover of private enterprise.

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