Higher Education Watch
The End of the SAT?

Dropping the SAT while hand-waving about “diversity” is a politically convenient way for colleges to serve their own narrow interests without doing anything to actually admit more low-income or minority students.

Trump and the “White Resentment” Theory

You wouldn’t know from most of the commentary on Trump’s campaign of “white resentment” that, if he dropped out of the race today, 38 percent of his supporters would flock to either black or Hispanic candidates.

2016 And Beyond
The Democrats Might Have a Tea Party on Their Hands

The Democrats’ thin presidential bench obscures the fact that Democratic Congressional races are thickening. As these races start to get more coverage, the divisions within the Party will become more and more apparent.

Is There a Biden Coalition?

A Biden run would be informative—not only because it would boost the level of competition in a shallow Democratic field, but because it would help clarify whether the Democratic Party can appeal to a slightly broader constituency, or whether the Obama coalition is here to stay.

What Kind of Liberalism Won the Culture Wars?

The type of social liberalism that won the culture wars is a distinctive mix of cultural libertarianism on the one hand and cultural Victorianism on the other.

crime wave
The Criminal Justice Tradeoff

Criminal justice reform experiments are laudable and worthwhile, but downsizing the carceral state is not a risk-free proposition.

identity forever
In America, Identity Trumps Class

Identity has always trumped class in American history, and probably always will.

Campus Kangaroo Courts
‘Yes Means Yes’ May Be Illegal, Judge Rules

A Tennessee state judge found that a university’s affirmative consent standards violate fundamental fairness.

brave new world
The Politics of a Panic

Richard Beck explains 1980s-era child abuse hysteria as part of a traditionalist backlash, but he sidesteps the role of progressive politics in moral panics, past and present.

21st Century Households
Why Millennials Are Still Living with Their Parents

Some cultural explanations for young peoples’ reluctance to leave the nest.

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