Prison Reform
Study Finds Evidence of Ferguson Effect

A new study suggests “Ferguson Effect” is real. Here’s why that could be a good thing for criminal justice reform.

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The Wage Debate
The Immorality of a $15 Minimum

The right to work—to enjoy the fruits of one’s own labor—is a core part of human dignity. A “moral” public policy would be aimed at ensuring that as many people as possible are able to find jobs.

Blue Model Blues
A 2016 Defeat Would Be Devastating for Democrats

We are entering what looks likely to be a tight 2016 presidential election in a political context where one party—the Democrats—has vastly more to lose.

What Is the Fate of Assisted Suicide?

California has legalized assisted suicide, quadrupling the number of Americans who can legally kill themselves with medical help if they become terminally ill. Will other states follow suit?

a safe space
It’s Past Time to Make Recess More Inclusive

Colleges are increasingly coming around to the idea that young people shouldn’t be exposed to any activity that might make them feel uncomfortable. This is a good start, but it’s too little, too late.

Guns in America
Gun Control: More Racial Disparities Than the Drug War

Tough-on-crime policies and gun control are two sides of the same coin.

Coming Apart
New Evidence in the Marriage Debate

New Brookings data cast doubt on the preferred left-wing explanation for the decline of marriage among working-class whites.

heterodox academy
Saving the Academy from Itself

A new website called Heterodox Academy aims to address the lack of viewpoint diversity in academia, which leads to poorer quality scholarship.

The Great Inequality Debate
Inequality Hasn’t Made Americans Support Redistribution

A new study shows that Americans’ support for economic redistribution has remained constant or decreased, despite rising economic inequality.

Higher Education Watch
Is Corporatization the Problem?

A New York Times essay argues that campus political culture has been corrupted by the corporatization of the university. This framing, while important, misses an important part of the story.

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