TAI Conversations
Michael Lind on Reviving Democracy

To fix things, we must acknowledge the nature of the problem.

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TAI Conversations
The World According to Tyler Cowen

The polymath economist defends capitalism, liberalism, dating apps, and immigration—and explains how China is making movies sexless.

A Conversation with Branko Milanovic
The Future of Global Prosperity

In the conflict between capitalism and communism, capitalism won. But its triumph didn’t herald the end of history—just the next phase of it.

(Wikipedia Commons)
Our Nationalist Moment
National Conservatism: A Guide for the Perplexed

An attempt to put conservatism on firmer intellectual footing in the Age of Trump has led to some strange—and shaky—alliances.

(Wikipedia Commons)
The Demon In Analogy
“A Catholic Reactionary and a Black Feminist Walk into a Bar…”

What do they have in common? More than you might think.

(Wikipedia Commons)
Two Concepts of Merit
Make Aristocracy Great Again

Can you have merit-based admissions without a culture of meritocracy? It depends how, exactly, that culture came about.

2019 Predictions

Another year, another round of prognostication. TAI editors speculate about what 2019 has in store.

The Left’s Case Against Birthright Citizenship

The view that “none of us deserve citizenship” is incoherent because it invokes the horrors of statelessness to make what is essentially an anti-statist argument.

(Photo by Pete Marovich/Getty Images)
Protestantism’s Lasting Sting

In many ways, our ruling class remains more WASPy than either its critics or advocates may like to think.

(Photo by Michael Masters/Getty Images)
When Milo Wins, So Do SJWs

Conservative provocateurs are not “owning the libs.” They’re enabling them.

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