Transition Crisis
Getting from November to January

Wargaming shows that, short of a landslide victory for Joe Biden in the upcoming elections, we may be headed for a severe constitutional crisis. Here are six strategies for averting the worst outcomes.

The Dialectic Strikes Back
China, Capitalism, and the New Cold War

As Branko Milanović notes in his new book, capitalism convincingly triumphed over socialism at the end of the Cold War. That does not mean that struggles between the emerging variants of capitalism—liberal-meritocratic and political—will be any less fierce.

Private & Public
Three Moral Economies of Data

A new way for thinking about how governments and societies choose to address the political, economic, and social implications of data and data-driven artificial intelligence.

The Kavanaugh Fight
Being Morally Serious About the Supreme Court

The debate we should be having on Brett Kavanaugh turns on a crucial question: What sorts of youthful transgressions are forgivable, and which are disqualifying, for which jobs?

Vox Populi
Revisiting Hofstadter’s Populism

It’s held up better than you might think.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Count on It
Dictatorships and Data Standards

Since the 19th century, government statistics have been central to our sense of shared social reality. Is that going away?

End of an Era
The Collapse of Racial Liberalism

Both the Right and the Left have dropped the pretense of racial liberalism, and the country faces a choice.

Ron Case/Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
American Institutions
Wanted: A Self-Draining Swamp

Perhaps the most insidious threat facing Western democracies has been the progressive decline of elite accountability and responsibility.

Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons
The Tax Bill
The Cold War and the Welfare State

If you look hard enough, you can almost find ideological consistency in the Republicans’ breathtaking tax bill.

The Crystal Ball
The Official Future Is Dead! Long Live the Official Future!

A year after Donald Trump’s improbable election, the post-Cold War Official Future has collapsed—and in its place have emerged a bewildering array of possibilities.

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