The East Is Red

President Obama, I suspect, is on a voyage of discovery as he heads into Asia this week. Much of what he finds will displease him.Asia is one part of the world where the Obama administration’s attempt to blame all its problems on its predecessor rings hollow.  George W. Bush did not satisfy everyone in Asia, […]

Future Wars: Which Countries are Americans Ready to Defend?

It seems appropriate to note this Veterans Day that Americans remain willing to use military force to defend allied nations.  According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 78% of Americans favor rushing to Canada’s defense and only 16% disagree.The mother country is in second place; 73% think the United States should defend Great Britain.Tied for third […]

Confirmation from Gallup: Democrats Behind for 2010

Rasmussen polls have long shown the GOP with a slight advantage on the “generic ballot” question asking voters whether they support unnamed Democratic or Republican candidates for congress.  In general, because Rasmussen polls “likely voters” rather than adults, it tends to get numbers that are a little more Republican and conservative than polls focusing on […]

Cuban Blogger Beaten By “Revolutionary” Thugs

I strongly believe that the United States should lift our embargo against Cuba.  It’s long been the strategic goal of the Castro regime to keep the embargo up both for propaganda purposes and to keep the island’s population as dependent on the state as possible.  We should stop helping them.However we should do this with […]

Boston Marriage

John Judis is one of America’s smartest liberal thinkers; this isn’t just because he has a Gigantic Brain, which he does.  It’s also because he makes smart choices about what to think about.  In a short piece in The New Republic, he looks at what he calls the ‘anti-statist’ tradition in America, the dislike and […]

The Vatican Investigates Alien Life

One sign of an apocalyptic age like ours is the frequency with which news headlines read like science fiction.  This story from the AP describes a scientific conference held under the auspices of the Vatican Observatory and ending yesterday at which a group of scientists examined the evidence for extra-terrestrial life.The article takes all the […]

The Execution of John Allen Mohammed

John Allen Mohammed was killed by the State of Virginia tonight.  He received a lethal injection at 9:06 and was declared dead at 9:11.I don’t have anything against the death penalty.  I realized that nineteen years ago on a visit to Auschwitz.  In front of a killing chamber where Jews and other victims were gassed […]

Corruption Costs $1.6 Trillion Per Year

How much do crooked politicians and others steal every year?Nobody really knows, of course, but as the BBC reports today, the UN estimates that $1.6 trillion each year is stolen each year and moved across national borders. Tragically, much of this money is stolen from poor countries.  It is bread taken out of the mouths […]

Armed and Dangerous NGOs

Somali pirates are now firing on ships hundreds of miles from shore, extending their range of operations deep into the Indian Ocean.  Flush with ransom payments from past operations, the pirates are able to buy increasingly sophisticated weapons and ships.It’s likely that we will see more of this.  Al-Qaeda was the first modern NGO to […]

Green Scares and Red Scares

Those worried that they were too young to experience the joys of the Cold War can now wrap themselves in the excitement of the contemporary equivalent of Cold War ‘red scares’: fears that communists were infiltrating the American government and other institutions.Today’s version is the “green scare”; fears that radical religious extremists of the Islamic […]

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