On The Road

For the next couple of weeks I’ll be leaving the storied halls of the stately Mead manor on a European trip to Turkey, Germany and Italy.  Ably assisted by the tech wizards at The American Interest and Sam the official Team Intern at the vast and sprawling Mead Global HQ, I’ll be blogging from the […]

Slip Sliding Away

The Gallup polling organization recently reported that a majority of Americans no longer believe that the government has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens receive health care.  Three years ago, two thirds of those polled agreed with this statement; in the latest poll 47% agreed and 50% begged to differ.This is bad news for […]

Acorn, the Archbishop, the Icebox and Tammany Hall

At first glance there does not seem to be much in common between Acorn–the deeply corrupt ‘community’ organization engaged in a variety of electoral and financial fraud while disguised as a selfless band of anti-poverty warriors–and William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, stiff necked High Churchman and counselor of Charles I.But Acorn, or it least its […]

Asia 1, Europe 0

Winston Churchill called the surrender of 80,000 British troops to Japanese forces at Singapore in 1942 the most ignominious defeat in British military history.  It also marked the end of the British Empire in Asia; British prestige never recovered from this stunning debacle.Something similar is happening in Singapore this week as the APEC summit brought […]

The Historicization of the Eschaton

Dan Drezner points out today on his blog that we are having a spate of ‘end-of-the-world’ movies these days and wonders if this is a product of bad economic times.That’s part of the answer, but end of the world thinking is permeating our culture more ways than one.  ‘End of the world’ scenarios shape our […]

Revolutionary Slimming

I see that Hugo Chavez is calling on all patriotic Venezuelans to shed a few kilos to promote revolutionary health.There’s nothing wrong with that, and as someone who has fought the good fight against counter-revolutionary muffins and pies, I can sympathize with this latest phase in the progress of Bolivarian Socialism.But it reminds me of […]

The Man in Black and the Father of the Modern World

William of Orange, whose birthday falls on November 14, was never a popular man.  He died after his horse stepped into a mole-hole; William’s enemies toasted the health of the “gentleman in the black velvet waistcoat” for decades to come.He was associated with two shocking crimes; after some of his most dangerous political enemies were […]

The War That Dares Not Speak Its Name

According to The Washington Post, the Obama administration decided last spring to stop using the phrase “global war on terror.”  The preferred locution these days is “overseas contingency operations”, a phrase that stirs the blood and warms the heart.What soldier would not be proud to die in such a cause?  What child would not immediately […]

Humpty Dumpty on the Berlin Wall

When asked about the geopolitical changes sweeping the world since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Henry Kissinger once said that the unification of Germany was more important than the development of the European Union; the collapse of the Soviet Union was more important than the unification of Germany, and the rise of India and […]

Autumn Turns: Occasional Poem Number Two

The season turned today here at the stately Mead manor in the exclusive borough of Queens.  We have had a long and lush fall; the leaves turned yellow and gold in the award-winning gardens that stretch away from the windows of the blogging room, but up through this morning they clung to the branches.  Autumn […]

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