John Moore/Getty Images
Roll Call
Silence from the Party

When will Republicans stand up to Trump’s foreign policy blundering?

(Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Ranked-Choice Voting
A Victory for Democratic Reform

The voters of Maine rejected political cynicism on Tuesday and endorsed one of the most promising reforms to our politics.

A New Hope
Malaysia’s Democratic Breakthrough

“At a time when democracy is in retreat around the world, I hope that the people of Malaysia have given some hope to people around the world clamouring for their own freedom.”

—Anwar Ibrahim, May 15, 2018

Pushing Back
Countering a Kleptocratic Kremlin

We must remember that predatory authoritarianism is not stamped into the Russian DNA.

Mark Makela/Getty Images
Following the Leader
Are People Losing Faith in Democracy?

A new survey offers some reassurance that Americans retain their trust in democracy—but disturbing trends lurk beneath the surface.

The Importance of Engagement
The Liberal Democratic Order in Crisis

We are at a tipping point. Around the world, many democracies are hanging by a thread and autocrats are preparing more savage assaults on what remains of freedom.

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
The Pressure's On
Our Year of Living Dangerously

Domestic and international pressures are intersecting in dangerous ways for the Trump presidency in 2018.

(STR/AFP/Getty Images)
A Wake Up Call
This Sputnik Moment

As authoritarian states like China double down on strategic investments and project their “sharp power” abroad, the United States may finally be reaching a new Sputnik moment.

(Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Political Decay
How to Reverse the Degradation of Our Politics

To fix democracy globally, we must first address toxic partisanship and polarization here at home. A promising electoral experiment in Maine might show the way.

Democracy Square
Welcome to Democracy Square

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this blog about the issues and challenges confronting democracy at home and abroad.

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