(Richard Misrach, Art Institute of Chicago)
Foreign Influence
Playing with Fire on Election Security

If one foreign power continues to shred, on an ever-more daring basis, the integrity and inviolability of our electoral process, other foreign powers will draw lessons and follow. And they won’t all be pitching in on the Republican side. 

Eugène Delacroix, c. 1850
Ill Winds
A New Birth of Freedom

For all its recent setbacks, democracy still has the resources not only to resist but also to beat back the authoritarian tide.

(Man Ray, Art Institute of Chicago)
Electoral Reform
The Long Game of Democratic Reform

A growing array of reformers are coming to see the logic of “master reform,” the one most likely to break the logjam on all the others: Ranked Choice Voting.

The Coming Demographic Disruptions

Immigration is now a demographic imperative. The United States, EU, and other industrialized countries must figure out a way to handle it before it’s too late.

Democracy Watch
The Long Freedom Slump

The good news is that democracy is not declining, at least in the aggregate. The bad news is that developing countries have taken a turn for the worse.

America & the Authoritarians
A Hinge in History?

We live in perilous times. A domestic constitutional crisis that looks ever-more likely would unfold in a global context of profound turbulence and instability.

(Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)
Constructive Vigilance
Will China Rule The World?

China’s worldwide influence campaign requires a coordinated response from all segments of American society—not just politicians and policy-makers.

After the Midterms
A New Age of Reform

Big changes are coming to how we do democracy in America.

Not Only Khashoggi
License to Kill

We must make it clear, not only to the Saudi monarchy but to all the world’s dictators, that they cannot murder their opponents with impunity.

Trump's Appeal in Asia
Standing Up to China

Those who value democracy in Asia—and even many who don’t—are desperate for a counterweight to the rise of a new authoritarian superpower.

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