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Making America Small Again
Donald Trump and the Future of U.S. Power

The President underestimates the unique genius of postwar American grand strategy: that by serving others’ interests, the United States has also served its own.

No Going Back
The End of Liberalism?

Democracy is doing just fine at this populist moment. Liberalism, however, is being destroyed by its most fervent supporters.

The Crystal Ball
The Official Future Is Dead! Long Live the Official Future!

A year after Donald Trump’s improbable election, the post-Cold War Official Future has collapsed—and in its place have emerged a bewildering array of possibilities.

Parsing the Liberal International Order

What’s in a name? When it comes to the “Liberal International Order,” rather a lot—if not always what you might expect.

Crime Pays
The Economics of the Global “Bankster” Crime Wave

The system for prosecuting transnational white-collar financial crimes has broken down almost completely. The good news is that this problem does not require elegant or especially complex solutions.

The New Public Square
Disinformation and the Decay of Nations

To deal with the rising Nationalist Internationale, we are first going to have to reimagine how we engage with each other.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Trump’s Re-Election Strategy

The President is betting on the Electoral College to carry him back to the White House in 2020, and he just might be right.

Political Pendulum
The New New Europe

Centrist, pro-EU parties are emerging in the Visegrad countries. Can they gain traction?

A Gathering Storm
Is There a Crisis of Liberal Democracy?

We have entered a new era in which two great-power adversaries are threatening our democratic way of life with great subtlety and sophistication.

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Let's Talk
Where’s the Trust?

Collapsing social trust is the biggest problem we don’t discuss.

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