Institutional Decay
Lessons from Impeachment

The Trump impeachment has uncovered a host of issues that are not sufficiently clarified in the U.S. Constitution.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Institutional Reform
Our Flawed Impeachment Process

The impeachment process has judicial features, but it is not an impartial court proceeding. Indeed, the “jurors” are politicians.

After The Debates
The Democrats vs. Trump’s Electoral Strategy

Keep an eye on the big picture: Trump may not need to win the popular vote to earn a second Presidential term—especially if the Democrats neglect the Electoral College.

(Wikipedia Commons)
Game Theory 101
Will Trump Bluff His Way to Reelection?

From a purely electoral perspective, a visible effort to deliver on campaign promises usually beats not trying, and winning even minor concessions is typically better than ending up with nothing at all.

(James Gillray, Art Institute of Chicago)
Brexit’s Democracy Lesson

Asking “the people” to do the job of governing, even for an incompetent representative government, is asking for even more trouble.

(Art Institute of Chicago)
Popular Indecision
America’s Immigration Ambivalence

The reason immigration politics are so intractable is that America can’t make up its mind about what sort of immigrants it wants.

Institutional Reform
A Remedy for Government Shutdowns: “No Play, No Pay.”

Right now, members of Congress have few financial incentives to compromise in the face of government shutdowns. A constitutional amendment could change that.

(Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
An Inconvenient Truth
The Downside of Highly Contested Elections

It is often assumed that more democratic contestation means better democracy. But too much of a good thing can be bad.

(Photo by Olivier Douliery/Getty Images)
Coalition Building
Tactical Illusions and Split 

Despite all the talk of partisan gerrymandering and electoral unfairness, the number one priority for both parties should be building broad, sustainable coalitions.

(Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Midterm Watch
A Me-First President in a #MeToo Era

Can Republicans withstand the threat of a coming blue wave?

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