On the Stage

In the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s new Oresteia, humanism ex machina doesn’t save the day.

Malinda Kathleen Reese, Ben Lauer (photo by Daniel Schwartz)
History of Humankind
Thornton Wilder’s Overbite

What does an allegory about human survival from 1942 have to do with today?

Republicans and Healthcare
The Doolittles and the Destroyers

After their failures this past spring, Republican Senators have new plans—at opposite extremes from each other.

Information Age
Broken Records

Electronic health records have not proven to be the boon for lowering health care costs some hoped they would be. But there’s hope yet.

Can Trump Destroy Obamacare in Two Simple Moves?

If you game it out, it’s not certain he will be able to pull it off.

Getting Screened
Telemedicine’s Constituents: Vets and ’Rents

The VA is one of the frontrunners in telemedicine implementation, and may lead the way for regulatory reform that benefits the general public. Meanwhile, there’s another eager constituency for the technology—parents and schools.

Doc in a Box

An almost self-service medical clinic in the U.K. points the way toward cheaper and faster health care.

A New Sultan in Town
Putin Tames Turkey?

It’s not Turkey’s economic future but its present politics that weighs most heavily on Erdogan. And Putin can lighten or increase his burden at will.

When the Customers Don't Come
Private Colleges’ No-Show Business

Sweet Briar College, a well-regarded liberal arts school in Virginia, is closing down. Other private colleges have tried the same “high tuition, high discount” strategy—but how long will the customers come?

Out of Many
Does France’s “Muslim Community” Exist?

France’s Muslims don’t have the established institutions or communal voice that many presume exists.

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