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Defending the Rimland
As China Surges, Europe Is on the Menu

China’s naval expansion and commercial push into Europe are aimed at redefining the global trade and security system to the detriment of the democratic West. Europe and the U.S. need to wake up to the challenge.

E Pluribus Unum Again
Rebuild American Patriotism

The very idea of America has been whittled down in our schools and institutions—“deconstructed,” some might say—in favor of a kind of cacophonous tribalism. It’s time to restore the values and ideals that keep us together.

Diego de Velázquez, “Vulcan’s Forge” (1630)
Three Core Priorities
Focus on Eurasia, Invest in Allies, Rethink Globalization

The West needs to focus on these fundamentals to achieve its overarching strategic objective: preventing China’s domination of Eurasia.

Jan Ekels (II), “People Playing Cards at an Inn” (1784)
Of Sea and Land
China’s Long Game

The West can have an unbeatable hand against Beijing, if it plays its cards right.

The Long March West
Will China Drive a Wedge Between the US and Europe?

Beijing’s financial and military inroads into Europe are calling into question America’s traditional assumptions about Transatlantic cooperation.

Of Speech
The Rise of Unfreedom in the West

Our tradition of free debate, the sine qua non of democratic life, is increasingly under attack in academia, the media, and politics.

The Effects of Bad Government, Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Global Disorder
The Sources of the West’s Decline

The growing problems in the Transatlantic community long precede the Trump Administration, Brexit, and the rise of populist movements.

New World Disorder
Shoring Up NATO Is in Europe’s Own Interest

Increased European investment in defense is about more than just “burden sharing” or Europe paying its “fair share.” Europe’s vital national security interests–and the future of the West—are at stake.

America’s “Late 1940s Moment”
Time to Push Back Against the Revisionists

China and Russia are pushing a reluctant West to re-examine its most cherished assumptions about the shape of the global order.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Civilizational Erosion
Yes, It Can Happen Here

National cohesion and the growing risk of state failure in the West.

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