The Army, On a Budget

As I finished writing the article “In the Army Now” (for the September/October 2010 issue of American Interest), I was literally en route to a year-long assignment in Afghanistan as part of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force. The mission I joined was a daunting one to execute: a vigorous counterinsurgency strategy in a theater that […]

Our Pacific Predicament

If America isn’t careful, rising nationalisms in China and Japan may “pivot” it into a strategic typhoon.

Nice Things about Detroit

It’s not easy to find a silver lining in Detroit’s dramatic decline, but some intrepid optimists still battle the storm.

The Great Sea

A capacious history of the Mediterranean.

The Great Migration

Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns analyzes the American social revolution we never discuss.

A Word of Welcome

from the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil.

Writers Ringside

There was a time when writers found deep meaning in the sport of boxing. Are those days gone for good?

Contagious Narcissism

The dissipation and ego that were Norman Mailer’s life have now sired lesser children.

The Unreal Thing

The question of authenticity has occupied some of the subtlest minds of the last century. Andrew Potter thinks the whole effort is a hoax.

In the Army Now

The Army’s reluctant embrace of counterinsurgency and stability operations is the right choice. Now comes the hard part: to institutionalize it.

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