Flint River (Connor Coyne, Wikimedia Commons)
Hearts of Flint
Demolished by Neglect

Anna Clark’s book on the Flint, Michigan tainted water scandal details the struggles of making the problems of invisible people visible.

Homo Americanus
Pedal Power to the People

Even more Americans are biking their way to work and to better health-also to bars, romance, and all too often emergency rooms.

Soul Liberation

When American black vocalists and songwriters did their thing in the Sixties, they made political waves as well as music, whether they intended to or not.

R. Jay Magill, Jr.
The Muppet Man

The first full-length biography of Jim Henson is not all that it could be, but fosters new appreciation for an American creative genius.

Nice Things about Detroit

It’s not easy to find a silver lining in Detroit’s dramatic decline, but some intrepid optimists still battle the storm.

The Great Migration

Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns analyzes the American social revolution we never discuss.

Writers Ringside

There was a time when writers found deep meaning in the sport of boxing. Are those days gone for good?

Contagious Narcissism

The dissipation and ego that were Norman Mailer’s life have now sired lesser children.

Top Brass

Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis achieved perfection in opposition.

Heels and Heroes

Two films show the fight in Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson.

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