Brazil’s emergence as an important global player is one of the most significant events in this century. Its ability to use democracy and markets to deliver economic development, address
entrenched social inequalities, promote regional integration, and build consensus in support of a globalized trading system sends a profound and powerful message to countries facing similar challenges. Its commitment to soft power, including eschewing nuclear weapons, is a helpful example to other emerging powers. Its
growing agricultural potential, second only to the United States in food production, its increasing mastery of renewable energy and the vast environmental capital that lies in the Amazon, makes Brazil a central actor in all questions related to food and energy security, and climate change and biodiversity.
As Brazil has emerged, it has brought with it the rest of South America, allowing us to glimpse the future of a peaceful and stable continent that will be a constructive and positive force in shaping the 21st century. Brazil is the kind of partner the United States wants and needs in the world. This is why President Obama said that the United States supports and celebrates Brazil’s rise to global prominence. Working together, we can shape a partnership that brings immediate benefits to our own citizens while accruing benefits to all mankind.
Making Progress: A Conversation with Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Walter Russell Mead talks with former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso about matters past, present and future.
The Cordial Brazilian
Brazilians too readily accept recycled images of themselves.
Getting Real
Chinese currency manipulation is pushing Washington and Brasília together.
Brazil’s Journey
Constructive moderation is the lodestone of Brazil’s way in the world.
Connecting American and Brazilian Interests
U.S.-Brazilian cooperation needs careful tending in changing times.