Dumbing Down
Sovereignty Is No Solution

Conservatives used to have a deep appreciation for the fundamental complexity of human societies and thus abhorred simplistic solutions. Their recent fetishization of “sovereignty” as a cure-all is a betrayal of their tradition.

(James Gillray, Art Institute of Chicago)
Proceduralism vs. Populism
The Flight 93 Temptation

Moderates must avoid the impulse to borrow from the populists’ illiberal playbook, even as they find a way to re-imagine the institutions that once served us well.

Of Lemons and Lemonade
Between A Rock and A Hard Brexit

Like it or not, a hard Brexit is overwhelmingly likely. The goal, now, has to be to make the best of it.

Johann Peter Krafft, “Charge from the Fortress of Szigetvár” (Wikimedia Commons)
European Disunion
A Pyrrhic Victory for Central Europe

In the EU leadership contest, the Visegrád countries have succeeded in stymying their opponents but have failed utterly to advance their own interests.

(Wikipedia Commons)
In Support of David Frenchism

Sohrab Ahmari’s worldview is completely incompatible with basic tenets of liberalism.

(Wikipedia Commons)
Overlapping Dissensus
The Holy Roman Union

The EU shares a number of characteristics with the Holy Roman Empire: overlapping sources of political authority with sometimes universal claims, and multiple and fuzzy political loyalties.

“Visegrád,” by Károly Markó the Elder
Old Habits
Against Visegrád

Sometimes, old concepts are simply no longer useful.

Slovakia Returns to Normal
A Rebuke for Populism?

Slovakia seems set to elect a pro-Western reformist as President. Are we looking at a turning point for Europe?

COST Discipline
The Solution to Capitalist Inequality: Radical Markets

The problems the radical Left seeks to address are real. But their solutions are not nearly radical enough.

Us and Them
The Vices of Nationalism

“Conservative democracy” is no substitute for multilateralism.

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