Legal Coup
Pakistan’s Sharif Resigns

This is much less a win for transparency and democracy than it may at first seem. It’s business-as-usual politics in a country where civilian power is little more than wispy piece of gauze veiling military rule.

The Way Forward
Trump Delivers in Rust Belt

Democrats had better wake up and compete, or they risk another shellacking next year—and in 2020.

American Innovation
Look to the Private Sector, not Government, to Save Health Care

It’s innovative projects like this that will rescue America’s healthcare system.

the family and the state
The Grim Lessons of Charlie Gard

A U.K. death panel has forced parents to abandon hope for their baby’s life.

The Mueller Effect
President Trump Sweats in Public

Could it be that the President is less worried about the probe of his Russia dealings than about a general investigation with no set limits?

Optics My Dear Boy
The Private Putin Meeting and Trump’s Legitimacy

Trump’s willingness to meet with Putin without even an American interpreter present was at best a sign that he hasn’t mastered some of the most basic elements of his job.

Moral... and Smart
Macron Denounces Anti-Semitism

The French President’s statement helps consolidate the middle ground in France that he hopes will back him while enhancing his moral and political stature in both Germany and the United States.

coasting toward the cliff
Why Aren’t Greens More Worried About the Budget?

Unsustainable entitlement spending is a major threat to the environmentalist agenda.

The Republic in Peril
Trump Scandal Festers While Country Burns

The election of Donald Trump is a manifestation of our society’s inability to cope with our changing times.

Erdogan on Paris
Show Me the Money!

A climate change of heart? Turkey could leave Paris accord if it doesn’t get the promised cash.

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