Wet Foot Dry Foot
President Obama’s Cynical Cuban Refugee Ploy

The President’s change in policy toward Cuban refugees seems to have more basis in domestic politics than international relations.

Sir Humphrey Revolts
No, Prime Minister

Charge of the Light Brigade? UK’s chief Brexit negotiator quit abruptly this week

Blue Model Border Patrol
New Year, Same Broken Immigration System

But is the ground starting to shift?

The Auld Alliance?
Spain Nixes Scottish Plan to Stay in the EU

Did Brexit block Scottish independence? Or has the SNP simply never learned to reckon with Madrid?

Trump vs. Silicon Valley

This is a fight the Valley may well lose.

Immigration after 2016
The New Nullifiers

Bill de Blasio sets himself up as the heir of John C. Calhoun.

Immigration after 2016
Sessions Nomination Shows How Trump Will Approach Immigration as POTUS

Sessions, the Senate’s leading immigration hawk, to become the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

Immigration and 2016
30 Years Since Amnesty-for-Enforcement Failure

It looks like we haven’t learned any lessons since in the intervening time.

The European Immigration Crisis
2016: Deadliest Year Yet in the Med

More refugees and migrants are drowning even as crossings decline, UNHCR reports.

Immigration and 2016
On Immigration, a Nation Divided

A look ahead at how the issue will play out in tonight’s debates.

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