Is Congress Unfair?

Territorial representation can help prevent civil war.

Why Libertarians Go Alt-Right

Dogmatic right-wing politics has always been oriented around the idea of decline—the sense that everything good is slipping away, and that the slide must be arrested before it’s too late.

after charlottesville
Will the Nazi Purge Work?

The problem with Silicon Valley’s suppression of the alt-right isn’t that it’s bad, in principle, for elites to disfavor extremist and incorrect ideas. It’s that tech executives aren’t up to the task.

on the edge
Terror in Charlottesville and American Decline

Great countries can fall apart. I don’t know what that would look like for America. And I don’t know how to stop it.

the google affair
When Identity Politics Turns a Profit

A Columbia historian’s new book gives insight into the crisis at Google.

politics and power
The Democrats’ Distorted Coalition

Democratic elites are partly responsible for their party’s geographic handicap.

Lessons from History
When Immigration and Affirmative Action Collide

Mass immigration and widespread affirmative action are deeply in tension, and ultimately set to destroy one another.

Economic Growth & Political Chaos
Trump’s Uneasy Equilibrium

Trump isn’t menacing enough to undermine the economy, and economic indicators are just strong enough for Trump to hold on.

Chaos and Collusion
Were the Russians Playing Both Sides?

Was the goal sanctions relief? Installing Trump? Just sowing chaos in our system? Or maybe all of the above?

1990s Redux
The O.J. Trial Was a Preview of America Under Trump

The result came down to ethnocultural identification among the decision-makers more than lawyerly arguments and fact-checks.

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