Setting Sun
America Prepares for the Year’s Second Solar Eclipse

President Trump now has the option to levy import tariffs on solar panels that caused “serious injury” to U.S. producers.

Pricing Carbon
How Trump Inspired America’s Carbon Markets

Interest in cap and trade has waxed—not waned—after Trump’s decision to pull out of Paris.

Examining the Energiewende
Germany Will Miss Another Green Goal

On the heels of news that Berlin will fall short of an emissions target, a new study says Germany will miss a renewable energy consumption goal.

Crude Economics
Hope in the North Sea

The UK’s most important energy resource is on the rebound.

The Ethanol Expansion
The Future of Biofuels Lies in China

Corn ethanol may be a good fit for China, but it’s still a disastrous policy here in the United States.

Crude Economics
Even When OPEC Wins, It Loses

The cartel is like the proverbial dog chasing the car—what will it do when it catches it?

Examining the Energiewende
Germany Isn’t Anywhere Close to Its 2020 Climate Target

A new report has grim news for Berlin’s green hopes.

Energy Security
Harvey Is Having Global Effects

Europe and Mexico are feeling the effects of Harvey’s devastation.

Where's Harvey?
How Hurricane Harvey Hurts American Energy

The storm is bearing down on a part of the country that’s chock full of major energy infrastructure.

The Burgeoning Burgos
Mexico’s Most Promising Shale Region Is Open for Business

Will Mexico be the first to replicate America’s fracking success?

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