Year In Review
The Losers of 2016

2016 wasn’t just about winning. For a lot of people, and not a few ideas, 2016 was a year for losing. As the world settles into the Age of Trump, here is our list of the Biggest Losers of 2016.

Year In Review
The Winners of 2016

2016 was all about winning; Donald Trump promised that if the American people put him in the White House, we would win so much we would get tired of winning. Whatever happens next, there is no doubt that the Orange One was the mega-winner of the year. 2016 will always be remembered as the year that Donald Trump, a political novice and reality television show host, cut the legs off America’s two most powerful political dynasties and flabbergasted the establishments of both political parties.

Trump broke all the rules; he had less money than his principal opponents in both the primary and the general election campaigns. He trampled over the normal conventions, survived blunders that would have sunk other candidates, and turning the hatred of the media and the political and cultural establishments into a major asset.

But if Donald Trump dominated the year, he wasn’t the only winner in one of the most eventful and surprising years in recent memory. Here is our take on who else left their mark on 2016.

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