Not Even Modi Is Still Pulling for Modi’s Key Reform

The Indian PM’s party, the BJP, is removing a contentious but hugely important clause out of its land reform bill, effectively admitting defeat on a top item of Modi’s economic reform agenda.

the Future of Transport
The Fake Town That Could Be the Real Proving Ground for Autonomous Cars

Researchers set up a fake town in Michigan to push self-driving cars to their limits. This could go a long way towards winning over a skeptical public.

Reformer vs. Religious Authoritarian
For Modi, a Return to the Bad Old Days?

The latest high profile move in India’s crackdown on foreign NGOs lends credence to those who worry that Modi’s Hindu nationalism will lead him towards Erdogan-style authoritarianism.

South China Sea Standoff
When ‘Bilateral’ Means ‘Unilateral’

The Philippines case against Chinese territorial aggression is finally about to be heard in The Hague. But it’s power, not international law, that’s likely to determine how this all shakes out.

Uniform Reform?
Are Ukraine’s Police Reform Efforts More than Just Hot Air?

A new and supposedly more professional and incorruptible police force is being rolled out in Ukraine, but the reform doesn’t seem to get at the structural problems that make Ukrainian state employees so corrupt in the first place.

Modi's Reform Problem
The Trials and Tribulations of Modi the Reformer

Modi’s liberalizing economic agenda is getting held up at every turn, as politics and competing interests knock down or dilute reform bill after reform bill in parliament.

The New National Military Strategy
A Poor Report Card for Obama’s Foreign Policy

America’s new National Military Strategy, updated for the first time since 2011, acknowledges some harsh truths that don’t reflect well on Obama’s foreign policy.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The Future
The Transportation Revolution Is Coming

Leaps in technology are moving us toward a revolution in transportation. But to predict how this will change society, we need to look beyond the automotive industry.

Shorting Out
Electric Cars Running on Empty

President Obama’s lofty electric vehicles goals have been swatted down hard by reality.

Revisionist Power Play
Russia and China to Stir Up Mediterranean

The two countries are set to hold live fire naval drills on the Mediterranean this month, their first joint surface exercises in the region. It’s a provocative move by revisionist powers who feel spurned, but don’t read it as much more than an angry gesture.

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