Asia's Game of Thrones
Pivot to Japan

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is coming to Washington. We should listen carefully to what he says.

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Ideals and Interests
Getting Human Rights Right

The Global Magnitsky Act will hold human rights abusers to account. But it should also inspire a fresh debate about the role of promoting human rights and democracy in American foreign policy.

The Sony Hack
Kick the Chicken, Kowtow to the Monkey

Forget about North Korea and The Interview: For decades Hollywood has been censoring its own output to protect access to the Chinese market.

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The TNR Dust-Up
Horrible Bosses

What the New Republic and the Washington Redskins have in common.

Turn Your Radio On

The former director of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty assesses what's right and what's wrong with U.S. broadcasting policy.

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