Rule by Law
Erdogan Weaponizes Turkish Justice

President Erdoğan is taking a wrecking ball to Turkey’s legal and political institutions in an effort to shut down his political opponents.

Prepare for the Worst
Getting Ready for 2020

Trump opponents need to plan now for the chaos that is likely to envelop the next presidential elections. There is not a minute to waste.

Liberal Blues
Springtime for Autocrats

The new caudillos are on the rise, and we’re likely to see more of them unless the West can find a way to push back.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Erdogan’s High-Stakes Game

Erdoğan’s latest contretemps with the United States could end up doing irreparable harm to the U.S.-Turkish relationship.

The Middle East
How to Manage Post-Democracy Turkey

The U.S. must be patient but take a firm line to curb Erdogan’s worst impulses.

The Middle East
A Murder in Ankara

The assassination of Russia’s Ambassador is likely to have far-reaching implications for the U.S.-Turkey relationship.

Chris McGrath/Getty Images
Crackdown in Turkey
Erdogan Ups the Ante

Erdogan’s authoritarian surge has now kicked into overdrive with the arrests of opposition members of parliament.

JM LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images
Syrian Civil War
A Post-ISIS Recovery Plan for Syria

Recognizing and supporting a provisional government in opposition-controlled Syria could cool down the conflict while keeping pressure on Assad.

After the Coup
The Russian-Turkish Fling: Off Again on Again

There’s less to the Putin-Erdogan flirtation than meets the eye, but that doesn’t mean U.S.-Turkish relations haven’t entered a delicate period.

Gokhan Tan/Getty Images
The Turkish Coup
The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The coup failed, and Erdogan survived, but the events of July 15 left only losers in their wake.

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