Turnbull's Turn
Lead On, Macduff

Australia has a new Prime Minister, who promises to do away with the coups and counter-coups plaguing its politics.

Consider the Apple

Novelist Julian Barnes gets it right in his new book of essays: the best way to see a painting is to look, and keep looking.

India vs. China
Battle of the Asian Giants

India and China’s enmity has a long and complicated history, and may soon get much fiercer as they compete for control of the Indian Ocean.

Humanizing the Hermit Kingdom

Bored of writing about the Kim regime’s antics, two veteran journalists offer a rich portrait of ordinary life in North Korea—how people dress, date, work, and play.

High Stakes on the High Seas

The South China Sea’s contested islands are host not only to conflict between China and its smaller neighbors, but also to a standoff between Chinese ambition and American strategic resolve.

The Korean Invasion

As the world goes wild for Korean food, fashion, and pop music, the country is punching above its weight as an exporter of culture.

China’s Lust for Life

Evan Osnos offers a kaleidoscopic portrait of 21st-century China, whose rulers have their hands full trying to contain an increasingly diverse and demanding younger generation.

Asia’s Dark Horse

Indonesia struggled through decades of tumult and quasi-military rule to forge an unlikely democracy. Now it is closer than ever to achieving its potential as a geopolitical and economic powerhouse.

drawing by R. Jay Magill

A lot of journalists love to hate Rupert Murdoch. One too many, perhaps?

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