Christmas Day 1991
The Quiet Revolution

As we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Empire, we should remember President Bush 41 and his role in ensuring its peaceful demise.

Michael Stroud/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015)
Lee’s Advice to Nixon, 1967: End China’s Isolation

The late Lee Kuan Yew’s small but significant role in the U.S. opening to China.

Edward Snowden Strikes Down Under

Just as his release of embarrassing secrets about U.S. cyber intelligence tarnished Washington’s relations with many European nations last month, so have Edward Snowden’s leaks now led to a serious diplomatic stand-off between Australia and Indonesia.

An Australian Revenge Tragedy

“If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly,” says Macbeth before murdering King Duncan. Like many such gambits, and not only in Shakespeare, the one played out in Australian politics ended badly for the assassin.Three years ago almost to the day, Julia Gillard back stabbed her Prime Minister Kevin […]

Leading from Behind: Third Time a Charm?

In his reluctance to brandish America’s world leadership credentials at every turn, President Obama is tapping into an interesting if frustrating strain of American history—and it just might help America learn the wisdom of great power prudence and humility.

Macbeth Down Under

The rise and fall of Kevin Rudd as Aussie tragedy.

Loyal to a Fault

What are the sources of the American image around the world? How has it changed in recent years? And what, if anything, can the U.S. government do to shape that image? The American Interest posed these questions to a distinguished group of international observers. Their answers reflect diverse histories and circumstances, and offer some useful […]

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