In Defense of Development
Why We Need Foreign Aid

American security depends on development as well as diplomacy and defense.

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2016 And Beyond
Pragmatic Engagement

A national security strategy for the next President.

The Obama Doctrine: Responses
Striking a Balance

George W. Bush tried to do too much. Barack Obama has advocated doing too little.

America Self-Contained? A Symposium
Facing the Unpredictable

In an increasingly unstable world, the Obama Administration has no clear-cut options.

China, the Weak and the Restless

The United States confronts two major foreign policy challenges: China, and the weak and restless. The alternatives for China are well known, and there is consensus about which of these is most attractive; Romney would not have followed a different course from the one that has been chosen by Obama. In contrast, there is no […]

Three More Years

The success of Barack Obama’s presidency will depend on his domestic accomplishments: health care, financial reform and the overall state of the economy. His presidency could be wrecked by foreign policy developments; it cannot be redeemed by them. The five big foreign policy challenges that the Administration confronts—North Korea, Iran, Middle East peace, Af-Pak and […]

On Citizenship

Is the ideal of citizenship in decline? Depends on how you define it.

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