Wikimedia Commons
Mind Over Matter
Artificial Intelligence: What’s to Fear?

What should worry us most about artificial intelligence: losing our jobs to cheaper labor or losing our lives to killer robots? The real threat may lie in yet another danger: losing our minds.

Checkingfax, via Wikimedia Commons
Culture and Capital
Why Big Business Loves Gender Neutrality

How Marx explains the corporate embrace of women’s rights and the transgendered—and what will come next.

Eugene Delacroix, “Tiger and Snake” (1862)
Red in Tooth and Claw
The Law of Nature and the Love of Self

How self-love and an ethic of struggle came to set the tone of life in the “progressive” West.

Benjamin West, “The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise”
The Case for Modesty
The Virtue in Shame

The movement to destroy sexual shame comes with a social cost.

Science and Ideology
The Arrogance of Public Health Advocacy

How a lack of humility and scientific rigor have led public health activists into dubious pronouncements on an ever-expanding array of controversial issues, from gun control to gender equality to foreign policy.

higher education
What Harvard Needs to Make Leaders

Harvard’s admissions policies are animated by three competing visions of leadership. On their own, none of these visions can produce good leaders.

Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images
Identity Politics
America’s Permanent Mobs

Identity politics tactics echo those of both Lenin and Torquemada.

(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Corn Laws And Commies
The New Landowners

Today’s debates about political economy are not unprecedented; in fact, they bear a striking resemblance to the controversies of 19th-century Britain.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Doctor’s Orders
Misdiagnosing the Opioid Crisis

Blaming doctors or pharmaceutical companies or capitalism for the opioid crisis is futile. Bad diagnoses will always generate bad solutions.

Matt H. Wade, Wikimedia Commons
Burke vs. Rousseau
Slow and Steady

The Masterpiece Cakeshop case and the ascent of theory over prudence in American political life.

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