Abdullah Zaheeruddin/Getty Images
Yazidis, Hell, and its Abolition

The Yazidi version of Satan relates in a curious way to a serious Christian tradition about hell and its abolition.

Religion & Other Curiosities
Religion, Education and Entertainment

Can religion be presented in an objective and theologically neutral way, be it for educational or entertainment purposes?

© Getty Images.
Religion & Other Curiosities
Day of the Tyrants?

As democratic progress stalls around the world, what is required on both sides of the Atlantic is the emergence of political leaders who are both hard-nosed and morally responsible. If only one could advertise!

Religion & Other Curiosities
Lessons of Orlando?

One does not have to be a postmodern theorist to debunk most of the “narratives” that have emerged in the wake of the June 12 massacre.

Religion & Other Curiosities
Women in Shorts Studying Talmud

It is possible to approach the Talmud without affirming the truth claims it implies. However, to do so has a price—the loss of its deepest meaning.

Religion & Other Curiosities
New Atheists or Latter-Day Jacobins?

Both latter-day Jacobins and “godders” may agree on the facts, but will have opposite views on what should be done about the alleged facts.

Religion & Other Curiosities
Where Are the Good Guys?

In the words of a great writer, admirable actions may be another sign “that God has not given up on humanity”.

Matteo Ricci and his first convert. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
A Mixed Bag
Religious Hybrids

No matter what your faith or lack of it, the study of religion is an intellectually fascinating project. Take the hybrids, for example…

Religion & Other Curiosities
Beheadings and Transgender Bathrooms

As in virtually all items that have become issues in the culture war, protagonists on both sides are absolutely convinced of the rightness of their ideology and the wickedness of anyone who doubts this.

Thoughts From Vienna
In the Vortex of the Migration Crisis

Contrasting the late Austro-Hungarian legacy of pluralism with Europe amid the migrant crisis.

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