Mussolini’s Jewess

Margherita Grassini Sarfatti claimed she was to blame for fascism. It’s not so; not that she didn’t try.

The Brilliant Rage of Alexander Herzen

Russia’s tumultuous and mostly regrettable post-Cold War history is paralleled in some ways by an earlier time, one that provided the setting for the incomparable émigré journalist Alexander Herzen.

Retroview: A Shy Little Bird

Heda Margolius Kovály’s Under a Cruel Star is a masterpiece of memoir still awaiting its due

The Essential Italian

Il Divo captures Giulio Andreotti the tarnished icon, but not the man.

We Are What We Speak

Steven Pinker claims too much for neurolinguistics.

The Stranger in Crawford

The literati scoffed at Albert Camus’ place on President Bush’s summer reading list. They misunderestimated them both.

America's Critic

Edmund Wilson was a man of immense erudition, and many quirks. Few biographers can hope to do him justice; his most recent one hasn't.

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