Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Economic History
The End of a Dream?

America’s great age of growth is over and discontentment drives our politics. Yet there’s hope of modest economic advances, if only we clear the way.

The Fractured Future
America in a New World

The post-Cold War era is over. The U.S. finds itself in a new phase of security competition—one that will pose a unique challenge when it comes to coalition management.

President Obama at a June 19th press conference. © Getty Images
The Obama Doctrine: Responses
A Close Reading

If history is to continue to bend in the direction President Obama favors, it will need ongoing assistance from the United States.

Culture in America
The Meaning of the Super Bowl

In the age of drones, football is war between individual men.


The architects of the Eurozone privileged aspirational politics over economic realities. Reality is now playing trump.

Ethan Miller/Getty Images
The Iran Deal
It’s the Deterrence, Stupid

The President says this is the best deal available. He’s right; it’s the best deal he could get—absent a credible threat to use force.

© Getty Images
Iran and the Bomb
Nuclear Arms Control, Then and Now

The framework agreement with Iran recalls the era of arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union, but the differences rather than the similarities between the two periods are what make this an illuminating comparison.

Homo Americanus
His Last Bow

Fouad Ajami was an enthusiastic immigrant and U.S. citizen, but he never lost his longing for progress in the lands he left behind.

AFP/Getty Images
After Brazil
The World Cup Will Not Change the Status of American Soccer

But the United States may nevertheless come to play a greater role in the world of the sport.

Fouad Ajami (1945–2014)

Fouad Ajami, author, teacher, public intellectual, died yesterday at 68. His work will remain vital for those wishing to understand the Arab world of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

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