Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Next Moves
The Iran Deal Pullout: How Will Tehran Respond?

And what can the Trump Administration do to shape Iran’s choices?

(Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images)
Toward the Brink
The Great Middle Eastern War of 2019

The next war on Israel’s north will not simply be a more destructive replay of the 2006 Lebanon War, but will likely involve many more actors on multiple fronts, unprecedented challenges for escalation management, warfighting, and conflict termination—and the possibility of a regional conflagration.

© Getty Images
The Middle East
Has the Assad Regime “Won” Syria’s Civil War?

Not only is Syria’s civil war far from over, but the Assad regime’s victories over rebel forces have sparked a series of “wars after the war” that could undermine its recent gains—and create opportunities for the United States.

JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images
A War Without Precedent
The Next Hizballah-Israel Conflict

There are signs of war on the horizon, and it could be the most destructive one yet.

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